West Virginia Health Care Authority

100 Dee Drive
Charleston WV 25311
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Phone 304-558-7000
Fax 304-558-4776

Advisory Groups

Cardiovascular Panel  Diabetes Panel  End Of Life Panel Long Term Care
Low Back Injury Panel  Quality Advisory Group  State Health Plan Group   

Proceedings of State Health Plan Advisory Group Meetings

The State Health Plan Advisory Group (SHAG), formerly known as the Issue Selection Group, has performed the following tasks in its role:

Assisted in the identification and selection of issues for inclusion in the State Health Plan;
Identified the nine strategic health issues contained in the Plan;
Shaped the State Health Plan by ranking recommended policies by value and urgency;
Identified Lead Agencies responsible for developing and implementing individual work plans for each of the policies, assuring that the most urgent issues are being addressed.

Ongoing activities include:

Assisting in the establishment of partnerships throughout the state to promote the State Health Plan as a shared responsibility of all interested parties, including the private sector; and
Fulfilling a key role in evaluating the effectiveness of the policy recommendations in improving the state health care system and the health status of West Virginia residents.

Meeting Proceedings

March 25
September 22
October 26-27
April 5
November 3
March 14
April 6
October 10
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