West Virginia Health Care Authority

100 Dee Drive
Charleston WV 25311
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Phone 304-558-7000
Fax 304-558-4776

Hospital InPatient Data

​The West Virginia Hospital Inpatient Data System (WVHIDS) collects and analyzes uniform billing (UB) data required to be submitted to the Health Care Authority by all non-federal hospitals. These data are used to assess health care access, quality, and costs in order to inform regulatory, policy, and planning efforts. Inpatient Data reporting requirements, specifications, and resources are outlined in the documents below.

Policies and Procedures

Data Elements Specifications

To Request Data

Complete, sign, and submit a data request form. Please go to the ​​Inpatient Uniform Billing (UB) Data Request Form to complete and submit the Data Use Agreement, Exhibits A and B. Review the WVDHHR Reports Reference Manual and DHHR Data Request Reference.​​

Contact Information:

Email: dhhrreportrequests@wv.gov​​

*These documents are available for download from the Online Data Submission and Editing website. An assigned log-in is required to access this website.

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