With the implementation of the federal HIPAA privacy standards, the West Virginia Health Care Authority (HCA) continues to evaluate its data disclosure policies in order to assure that patient privacy is fully protected. This review is a continuing process. While recognizing the importance of, and valuing the availability of public health information, the level of detail of the information which is to be provided on our web site is still under consideration.
At the present time, it is the intent of the HCA to supply data on the web which is de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy standards (see 45 CFR § 164.514(b)).
The HCA has made de-identified WV hospital discharge data available via HCUPnet which is a part of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Data from WV, along with data from several other states, is available for comparison in an interactive query system which is freely available to the public at the following link: http://hcup.ahrq.gov/HCUPnet.asp . An annual data set is available for purchase through HCUP.
The HCA will make data available under the terms of limited data use agreements for traditional activities such as Certificate of Need Applications and Hospital Rate Review activities.
Data is also available for valid, approved research activities under the terms of limited data use agreements.
The steps in obtaining either Financial Data or Uniform Billing (UB) Data are:
(Click on the links below to download forms)
For Financial data:
1.) Complete, sign, and submit a data request form.
2.) Review the sample data use agreement:
SmplUseAgree.pdf (if the data request is approved, a data use agreement will be prepared by the HCA and sent to the Data User for signature.)
3.) Complete Exhibits A and B and submit them with the data request form.
Financial data questions may be directed to: Barbara Skeen, Director of Financial Analysis
For UB data:
1.) Complete, sign, and submit a data request form. Please go to the
Inpatient Uniform Billing (UB) Data Request Form to complete and submit the Data Use Agreement, Exhibits A and B. Review the WVDHHR Reports Reference Manual and DHHR Data Request Reference.
Contact Information:
Email: dhhrreportrequests@wv.gov
2.) Review the sample data use agreement:
SmplUseAgree.pdf (if the data request is approved, a data use agreement will be prepared by the HCA and sent to the Data User for signature.)
3.) For additional information on completing data request please review the following two documents: WVDHHR Reports Reference Manual and DHHR Data Request Reference